The US elections are always exuberant affairs. In an epic battle between the left and right people from around the world anticipate the results. Speculation begins way before the actual elections. Sometimes, it starts right after the new President takes his seat. The 2016 elections saw Donald Trump become the President, defeating Hillary Clinton (who would have become the first female President). Since, then we have seen unprecedented series of events unfold. We got an 'America First' President, with his twitter account and fiery remarks, things were bound to get ugly. We have seen a lot including apparent hush money paid to a former porn model (Jeez). However, just after President Trump had started to get his seat warm the so-called "witch hunt" had begun. Allegations had surfaced that there was collusion between the Donald Trump and Russia. Finally, the special commission set up has reached a conclusion...there was no collusion.
Russian interference-
One, thing that everybody already agreed upon was that Russia interfered. Russia has been proven to have interfere in the US elections in multiple ways. The most highlighted of which were the social media campaigns that spread propaganda. Multiple accounts based in Russia were spreading political propaganda on various websites like Facebook and Twitter. They were also said to have made use of bots, which are fake accounts created to drive popularity. Russia is also said to have directly targeted voting systems of up to 21 states. After, Donald Trump's victory allegations were made that his campaign worked with the Russian's to get Trump elected. This made for great comedy in political cartoons however; it also brought up serious concerns. That's when Robert Mueller came in.
Robert who?
Robert Mueller, was the man assigned to lead this special commission. He had two main objectives. To find out whether there was any "collusion", as in, was Trump or his associates involved in Russian interference of the US election 2016. And secondly, "obstruction", as to whether Trump attempt to block any investigations. The collusion mainly covered Donald Trump business connections relating to Russia (read more later). The leaked emails of Donald Trump's rival, Hillary Clinton and, the aforementioned Russian propaganda, which were favouring to Trump. The obstruction focused upon Trump firing some key figures and apparent "hints" given by the Trump administrations to witnesses offering pardons if they don't testify against him.
The result-
As, you already know the report said there was no collusion. Donald Trump went as far to claim quite proudly in interviews that he has been completely exonerated. That however, is not true. The report specifically mentions that this does not exonerate Trump. The full report was handed over to the attorney General, William Barr. He had released a summary, which is so far, the only information available to the public. Whether, Mr. Barr would be releasing the whole report or not is something that is left to be seen. The summary answers a lot of question but it has also left many unanswered. This has lead to anticipation. The Mueller report would simply be stating the findings of the investigation. Whether any action (legal or political) needs to be taken would be up to the attorney general. Which means that there is still a possibility of hearing more from this case. The legal action so far has already embroiled multiple people close to the President.
Who has been affected/prosecuted-
George Papadopoulos, a foreign-policy adviser to the Trump campaign and Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump were convicted for lying to the FBI regarding Russia. Paul Manafort, Trump campaign chairman was convicted for laundering million of dollars. He has also been accused of lying to the FBI multiple times. Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer has been charged with lying to the congress about Trump business dealings in Russia. These are just some of the big names in an ever expanding list of all those that are being convicted under this investigation. This goes to show that the investigation was technically not a "witch hunt" since; many wrongdoings have been brought to surface.
The best day-
While, this report has not exonerated Donald Trump, it has provided him with a victory. He has labelled the investigation "a plan by those who lost the election to try and illegally regain power by framing innocent Americans - many of them, they suffered - with an elaborate hoax". This has provided Donald Trump with a convenient way of side stepping anything the democrats would say in the future. All he would have to do was to point at this investigation which, did nothing but, prove that he was, so called, innocent. It has also put a shadow upon any future claims by the opposition. No, wonder that the day the report came out has been labelled as "the best day of Trump's Presidency".
The election-
The next US elections are going to be held on third of November, 2020. The preparations have already begun. The democrat field looks extremely crowded with new candidates announcements every other day. Some are more towards the extreme left while others are more towards the middle. However, Donald Trump is poised to be the Republican candidate. The Mueller report is going to work as a great weapon in 2020. The "witch-hunt" the "hoax" has come to an end. Whilst Donald Trump may not have liked the process as much it seems in the end, everything turned out to be fine for the orange man.